if you have a fake one, though, it okay
how can you tell if a louis vuitton bag is fake
1:1 replica handbags furthermore, the leather should not be cut on an symbol. if one of your LVs is cut, then you have a problem. also, authentic louis bags are cut from one piece of leather. if your bag is sewn together at three different place, with three different pieces of leather, Designer Louis Vuitton Replica Handbags then that another problem. the leather handles should stain and age with more use. and, check out the seams. if they crooked or glued together, that not a good look, either. i know all of this just from studying louis bags since a kid; check out the link below.
i hope that you have a real one. if you have a fake one, though, it okay. just save up for the real thing. real louis vuitton last forever and are well worth the investment.
louis vuitton bags are always made with the cheap replica handbags highest quality leather. i have a real one bought in paris a few years back. the leather ages very well, it turns from a new looking brown, to an aged soft brown color with a bit of red. the LV should be right side up on both sides. Louis Vuitton will high quality replica handbags china NEVER cut the LV only the other parts of the print. if your louis vuitton is real, then the zipper should run smoothly from the moment you buy it. also bags come with authenticity cards that should indicate whether it is authentic, or a copy. also, the LV should be a grayish color not real bright. they are meant to blend with the fabric. when you buy it, you know it if fake is the stitching is neon yellow. i have seen extremely bad copies with bright yellow stitching which is just wretched! last but not least, make sure that the straps are leather! if they are leather, you will know! i hope this helped!
The actual LV monogram is usually (with the exception of some vintage pieces) symetrical from side to side in all monogram styles (traditional, Multicolore, Cerises, Mini mono, Vernis etc.) as you can see in this Louis Vuitton Speedy (notice where the LVs are in relation to the handles, sides, quatrefoils etc).
Louis Vuitton is very careful with it stitching. Stitching should be very even and regular. The same number of stitches will be found in similar locations on similar bags. for example the leather tab that the handle attaches onto on any size monogram Speedy bag will always have 5 regular, even stitches across the top.
While vintage pieces follow most of the rules that I discuss in this guide, there are definite differences in vintage pieces. For example, all French Company pieces vary slightly. so if you are looking at a French Company Vintage Vuitton piece, it may differ a bit. For instance, the FC Speedy 30 does NOT always have 5 stitches across the top, does NOT have upside down LVs on one side, high quality replica handbags china and fake designer bags does NOT have Louis Vuitton embossed in the hardware.
Louis Vuitton has also produced bags in the USA, Spain, Germany and Italy. It is not true that a Louis Vuitton bag has to be marked "Made in France" to be authentic.
Some styles of authentic Louis Vuitton WILL have "upside down" LVs on the backside. The reason for this is that Louis Vuitton replica designer handbags uses one continuous piece of leather that wraps around from the front to back, without a seam on the bottom and so, the backside has upside down logos. This is true on the Speedy styles (except French Company Speedys), the Keepalls, Papillons, and some similar styles. Most monogram pieces (any piece with a separate piece of canvas or leather on the bottom) will have the LVs rightside up on both sides.
Louis Vuitton uses a very specific font. I noticed that a few counterfieters have begun to do a better job at knocking it off. so be careful, but current LV fonts will ALL look like the one on the patch above. Notice the VERY round "O"s.
Louis Vuitton is A VERY tough bag to spot these days because the fakes from China and Japan can be PERFECT. Just remember LV bags are very well made and heavy! Also before you buy make sure it is a bag that LV has actually made before, you can search online for all bags originally designed by LV.
Louis Vuitton does not replica louis vuitton bags from china discount.
Louis Vuitton does not have outlets, or seconds or irregulars.
Louis Vuitton does not wholesale.
When you DO buy Louis Vuitton from a boutique. it will come with tags but they are NEVER attached to the bag. Other designer labels like Chloe, Marc Jacobs, Coach will do this but at Louis Vuitton high quality designer replica handbags wholesale tags are usually tucked into a pocket or included in an envelope that comes with your receipt. This little white plastic LV circle tag. with an attached tag? This was NEVER made by Louis Vuitton. If you see it attached, it isn real.
When you buy an authentic Louis Vuitton item from a Louis Vuitton boutique or eLuxury. you will get two tags and MAYBE a care booklet. If you have it mailed to you by your favorite SA, she MAY include a little card thanking you for shopping with Louis Vuitton or whatever. That it. One tag will say "Louis Vuitton" and will say what the bag is made of whether it monogram canvas, vernis, epi etc. The other will aaa replica designer handbags have the model number, the correct french name of the bag and the bar code.
Louis Vuitton uses a "Production Code" in its bags for its own internal purposes. It does give clues as to where the bag was made and how old it is. This number is not a unique registration number, so it is highly possible for to find an identical number in a similar (or totally different model) bag that was produced at the same relative time and place. Since the early 1990 this code has been represented by two letters followed by four numbers. Before then, the code was different, one or two letters followed by three or four number or three numbers alone.
Many vintage pieces have no date code at all. This is true of "French Company" pieces as well. The VAST majority of Louis Vuitton items since the early 80 will have a date code. I have literally seen thousands of authentic Louis Vuitton pieces that were new enough to have date codes. Only one hasn had one, and I suspect that at one time, it did have a date code inside, but I was just unable to decipher it in the worn alcantara lining.
The date code will almost always (with very few exceptions) be in the same place in every bag throughout the years. So you know that if you are looking for a Cabas Piano and you find one with a date code in the pocket (when it should be under the d ring) you looking at a fake.
interior the pretend ones, 1:1 replica handbags it isn criminal to position in the leather depending tags that get sewn into the interior that say that is an exact bag. Many fashion designer manufacturers have a leather depending high quality designer replica handbags label sewn into the interior which will say something about the bag, or in basic terms submit to the Louis Vuitton label. examine contained in the bag to work out. If that is there, that is authentic. a large style of fashion designer bag organizations do this, at the same time with coach.
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